Monday, July 28, 2014

What’s It Like at “No Body Talk” Camp?

By Rachel Silberstein for Raising Kvell


This is the refrain commonly heard at Eden Village, a Jewish organic farming camp, featured in the New York Times, where boys and girls can talk about anything under the sun except their bodies.

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Monday, July 21, 2014

What Oh What Will My Parenting Style Be?

By Courtney Naliboff for Raising Kvell

Parenting Style Now that I’ve been a parent for a month, I’m hoping to see evidence of an emerging parenting style. Am I an Attachment Parent? Or am I Detached? What are my philosophies on where, when, and how the baby should sleep? Or eat? To wear or not to wear the baby?

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Why I Bring My Kids to the Boston Pride Parade

By Emily Rosenbaum for Raising Kvell

Pride Parade“Bloody Mary party at 11 o’ clock!” a voice chirruped from the float to our left.

Lilah, skipping along beside me in her bobbing ponytail and little purple Keens, pulled on my arm. “Mommy, what’s a Bloody Mary party?”

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Thank You to The One School That Found a Way to Include My Son

By Zimra Vigoda for Raising Kvell

 Include My Son“Our entire sixth grade class is going to Six Flags for the end of the year trip.”

A familiar feeling of anxiety overwhelmed me. I wasn’t concerned about the venue. I believe that 11-year-olds deserve plain, simple fun after a year of hard work. I had no concerns for their safety. I am not an overprotective, helicopter parent.

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